Survey Finds Granite Countertops Still No. 1

(NewsUSA) - By overwhelming majorities, American adults prefer granite to any other countertop surface for their dream kitchens, and believe granite countertops increase home resale values, according to a new national survey’s findings.

The survey of 2,021 U.S. adults aged 18 and over was conducted in October by Harris Interactive on behalf of the Marble Institute of America (MIA). It asked respondents which countertop they would most want in their dream kitchen. At 55 percent, “granite countertops” was the most popular choice, followed distantly by “synthetic stone” at 12 percent.

Asked how much they agree with the statement “granite countertops increase the resale value of a home,” 90 percent of respondents strongly or somewhat agreed.
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“After months of inaccurate reporting and questionable research aimed at raising doubts about granite, it’s gratifying to know consumers believe granite countertops are as safe as they are beautiful, practical and durable,” said MIA President Guido Gliori.

In fact, 84 percent strongly or somewhat agreed with the statement “Granite countertops are among the most safe, beautiful and durable kitchen counter surfaces on the market today.”

“The survey results show consumers’ preferences for granite countertops are virtually the same across all regions, genders and age groups,” Gliori said.

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